Quick, Efficient, and Patient Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I can't speak highly enough of SOCAL. Their assistance in selling our mother's home was nothing short of exceptional. From the moment we engaged with them, they demonstrated a level of professionalism, warmth and efficiency that surpassed our expectations. What stood out most was their ability to simplify the entire process for us. This was the first time our family has went through this type of transaction and we were initially overwhelmed by the complexities of this type of real estate transaction. However, SOCAL patiently walked us through each step, providing clear explanations and answering all our questions with utmost patience especially considering they were dealing with multiple siblings in different states. They wasted no time per our request to expedite the sale and within a remarkably short period, they had the sale completed. Throughout the entire process, communication was seamless. They kept us informed at every stage, promptly addressing any concerns or queries we had. This level of responsiveness and transparency instilled a sense of trust and confidence in their abilities. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend SOCAL to anyone looking to sell their property. Their combination of efficiency, expertise, and patience sets them apart in the real estate industry. Working with them was a pleasure, and I am grateful for the outstanding service they provided. Thank you, SOCAL for making the sale of our mother's home such a smooth and successful experience.